Booking detailsArrival date:Departure date:Nights:Guests:* 1A Adults:Children (2-14):Infant (Under 2): Guest equipmentMeasurement unit:MetresFeetLength:Width:Equipment type:NoneCampersTentsCampervanCaravan & Awning FeaturesAir ConditioningBalconyBathroomBunk BedsCook TopDining AreaHeatingLinen ProvidedLounge RoomMicrowaveParkingSofa BedStoveTVWheelchair FriendlyWireless Internet English中文français한국어русский WarningBooking with a dog? Please call ahead so we can check if we have availability for you, 07 378 4272, thank you!InformationLoading availabilityAll prices shown are in NZD (New Zealand Dollars). Powered by Newbook